December 23, 2015

Thanks for supporting a great 2015

Thank you for your interest and support in Journeymen Triangle. 2015 has been a great year!

In May of this year, 17 boys were initiated by 59 mentors during our Spring Rites of Passage Adventure Weekend (ROPAW), the largest group in Journeymen history!
Our ongoing mentoring program primarily takes place in a twice-monthly J-Group (Journeymen-Group) meeting on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month.

On the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month, we have M-Group (Mentor Group) for men who are interested in mentoring boys.

In addition to our ongoing mentoring program, these new J-men (Journeymen) will have the opportunity to staff and facilitate other boys’ initiations at our next ROPAW in the Spring of 2016.

We thank you and all of the family and friends in our larger community that have supported and encouraged us throughout this year.

If you know of a young man who may be interested, or anyone who may be interested in mentoring or volunteering as part of the Journeymen community, please contact us.

Your tax-deductible donation will sponsor youth participation in leadership and mentoring events including: Rites of Passage Adventure Weekends, mentor training events, weekly mentor and/or journeymen meetings, transportation and expenses.