Getting Your Parents To Say Yes (3/7 Virtual Workshop)
We all negotiate with friends and family many times a day. Sometimes we get what we want, sometimes we don't. In this workshop we'll learn that in order to increase the odds of getting what we want, we must help our negotiating partners get what they want. That's easier said than done.
We hope that our young men will walk away with more empathy and understanding of their parents side of a negotiation. We believe that equipping young people to be effective win-win negotiators, will create better communications and relationships at home.
Join us on Tuesday, March 7th from 6:30 - 8pm as we bring in Sam Bayer, Ph.D, a graduate of the Harvard Law School Program on Negotiations and retired entrepreneur, to discuss win-win negotiations with the teens in our program. This is open to all current young men or "Jmen" in the program and prospective Jmen as well as our mentors and guides.
If you plan to attend and are NOT current Jman in our program, please email